Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Daughter's First Mini Sculpt

My daughter made this figure for a Valentine's Day gift. She was very proud of it and so am I. From the base to the top of the head, it does measure 15mm. No, that's not a beret on his head cocked at a stylish angle. That is supposed to be his hair. If I play my cards right, I'll have a whole army soon!


  1. Outstanding! That's how you get them started. Plus, she already has a pretty sense of proportion.

  2. Thanks Joe,

    My picture doesn't do it justice. There are actually two legs. She gave me a long tutorial on how she made him. Now, she is working on a girlfriend for him!

  3. You might consider the Wargaming on a Budget forum on Yahoo ( as it has a very creative bunch. You can make soldiers from wooden craft pieces that you can buy from Michaels Craft Stores (U.S.) and kids really seem to like the look. My blog Wooden Warriors ( has the same type of figures.

    Good start. She is real creative. Using the HOTT rules really allows people to open up their creativity too.
