New Year, Old Challenges….
*Portable Ironclads in action*
*The Block of Ages - expect to see these in the new year!*
*Our first trip abroad since Laurel’s surgery - a fantastic ...
Portable Pike and Shot Battlefield
I was rummaging in the garden shed today when I found this old repurposed
wall picture which I turned into a small desert board for 15mm skirmish
Happy New Year
Hi guys
Happy New Years, so I guess this is the time of year I start planning my
hobby focus for the coming year, after many years of constantly jumping...
Non-D&D D&D, maybe
As I have mentioned before, I really like playing in a D&D-like manner, but
I'm not that great a fan of D&D as a system. Never really have been, after
SCW Asturian miners
I needed a detachment of coal miners from the region of Asturia for a game
in which such chaps would dig siege works. I rummaged in the box of random
Roman Civil War - Curio's African Expedition
The Caesarians under Curio having successfully landed in North Africa close
by the sea port of Thapsus, the local Pompeian forces under Attius Varus
The Battle Raged To An End
It is hard to believe that more than two months has passed since my last
post. I had just started back into my Barbarossa battle, a German attack
near P...
DBA 2.2 Numidian 40/II army.
Speed paint of a very easy and fast to paint army. This is entirely from
I am playing it this evening, and I'm itching to try six light cavalry in...
New additions to my Soviet VDV forces are these DPP40 Amphibious Pontoon
Systems. Fellow Cold War Commander very kindly 3d printed four sets of
pontoons ...
Final Post
This will be my final post to this blog. Family obligations will be
keeping me from wargaming as they have for the past few years. Instead I
will be...
Very Sad News
I'm very sorry to be making this post but I've just learned that Dale past
away from a heart attack on November 5th.
Most of my relationship with Dale wa...
New Fantasy sets from Alliance
I know, I havent been active for..???..a long time but I keep looking at
what´s going on in the world of bods..and today I found
these.....Apparently the...
15mm Terminator: Junkyard Dogs
I’ve started work on sourcing and painting up some scenic elements and
terrain for the 15mm Terminator project, and am kicking things off with
some wr...
15mm German SS
Waffen SS
Yes, I know they are evil, and yes, I know some wargamers find them so
repugnant that they don't wish to even wargame with them, but I'm a...
November Update
I've been slow to update my blog for the past few months. I was able to do
some hobby stuff in late October, but a recent setback in my cancer
treatment ...
Going on hobby hiatus
About to dive into a major project at work that may lead to a nice
promotion... So, I am officially standing down all hobby work for at least
the rest o...
Armoured Strike Arab Israeli Battle
This game was played at Excalibur games. The scenario was an Israeli attack
on Syrian held positions in the Golan Heights. The dug in Syrians were
CoC Campaign: Crossroads, Closing the Gap. Intro.
Myself and Des have embarked on a new CoC PSC, and one that is very
intriguing indeed. It is produced by PTO Games and you can pick up here
from Wargames V...
Operation Chunky Bandit #50 (Ground)
0530 on 6 Aug 1990
Mini-Campaign Fight #24
TF Hawk vs FSNL 8th Company
1st Lt Beriana
Acting Task Force Hawk Commanding Officer
Awarded the Medal of ...
Initiative Bidding in Undaunted Normandy
*Undaunted: Normandy* (*UN*) is a new card, counter, and tile game about
combat during WWII in Normandy 1944. I purchased this recently and just
played a g...
3D Printed Star Wars Ships
I got a new 3D printer for Christmas and am having a lot of fun with it.
The one I have is the Ender3 Pro, and it was just under $200.00 new. You
have to...
Fighting for Hearth and Home
When word came from the Watchers that the host of Iron Men in the pass had
taken the North East road, the Elder of Smawlton was quick to send word to
Duke ...
Focus on 2020
*G*reetings my fellow wargame bloggers. Instead of doing the annual recap
of 2019 I'm just going to skip that and focus on what I plan to achieve in
this n...
*"En avant!" Les Chars de Cavalerie (Cont.)*
*Moving right along, here are my Chars de Cavalerie of the French Army of
May-June 1940. These are the SOMUA ...
Charge of KG Peiper #3
On to the Meuse!
19 December 1944
Kampfgruppe Peiper, a German SS Panzer formation, moved out as part of
'Wacht Am Rhein," AKA, "The Battle of...
Dreadnought: Great War at Sea
This is my prototype box, with the Battle of Coronel tucked away inside!
Hi all, big news today!
As you've no doubt been aware, I've been furiously making a...
Irregular 6mm Chinese
A question came up on the ColonialWars Yahoo Group about 6mm Chinese troops
for the period. As luck would have it, I happened to have one of the
The Ion Age returns to Alternative Armies
*Please read this major announcement from The Ion Age. Thank you.*
*'This galaxy has decided to gorge upon itself, to consume its vitality
once more in po...
1809; Somewhere in Southern Germany
The first battle of the new 6mm Blucher era here in Canberra has been
played and won.
As we've both started holidays, John and I broke out my Austrian...
Team Yankee: The Northern Flank
A pretty lazy post honestly. Just showing some of my work for TY.
Includes M60A1 ERA reactive armour mod as well as Humvee fording kit.
I need some more M60'...
Scenery Forge Gothic plaster and resin build
I decided to try using the Scenery Forge Gotic mold again, but this time
using regular Plaster of Paris for the casts, then infusing it with resin.
It is...
Horror at Moose Cove
Captain Barney McBarnacle surveyed the harbour. All seemed quiet—but you
could never tell these days. Ever since the start of the zombie apocalypse
there h...
12th legion Angry Boiz
While working on the noble lads of the azure 13th, I was also expanding the
footprint of their temperamental cousins in the 12th. At this point this is
my ...
X-Wing - Scurrg H6 Bomber Preview
This is one expansion that I would say Scum players will definitely want to
pick up, I mean who could pass up "infinite bombs"? I know I will be
Medieval Japanese Miniatures
Here are some of the medieval japanese figures painted in 2016. Mostly
Perry miniatures and some Clan War miniatures. Buildings are from Plastcraft
De Profundis : My First Impression
As DragonCon approached*, I was reminded that I had come across a copy of *De
Profundis: Cthulhu Gaming on the Edge of Madness *in the dealer's hall one
Umm... I've been a bit quiet!
Just a quick update, I've taken a small break from my 15mm gaming for the
moment as I've started playing X-Wing and Star Trek Attack Wing.
I've just starte...
Clearhorizon Omega Squad
Mr. Harold sent me these a while ago, and I finally got around to painting
them. The delay was mainly that the neck length bothered me, so it took a
while ...
Blog Moving...
I have decided to move this campaign blog as well as any other activities
involved with Modern era wargaming to my main blog here: Adventures with
Gun, Sab...
Mrs. History PhD's new FOW project
Having said that she was ready to begin a new Vietnam War vehicle, Mrs.
History PhD has chosen to recreate her 1/285 South Vietnamese National
Police Field...
Grimlocks in 15mm
Here are 12 grimlocks for dnd 5th ed.....15mm Picts from copplestone.
Back from a long break in gaming....looking forward to a little dungeons
and dragons s...
Test Casts of the Banshee
First pictures of the test casts! (Cast by the very talented Jon at Paulson
Games, Sculpted by Steve "Coolhand" Tyler)
Note: the Banshee comes with ...
Moving On
It's been a long while since I've posted here. Since I've started this blog
four years ago, you guys and gals have given me a tremendous amount of
C21 Air War Vietnam
Slowly getting things done.
MSD Games Target Terrain, although only 1in, I placed them on a Litko 1.5in
I used MSD Games Target Terrain, although...
usually greets our country, but on this day of days, it was greeted by the
More 15mm Orcs painted this weekend.
This weekend I worked on finishing another squad of Orcs. Note: These minis
are OOP and are no longer being sold. I Also removed the banners that were
Fortified Chapel
Hi, folks. Here's another bit of terrain for our Kings of War table. It's a
fortified chapel made from a Pegasus Hobby Gothic City Building Large Set.
I ad...
2500 scale ships
Captain's Blog Stardate 201308.25
I got this in from Del (Multi-Verse Models) the other day. It is a resin
copy of my M-4 Strike Cruiser I submitted for ...
Viper's Fangs-forces
Hello, just some pics of the painted forces for my game of Gruntz moderated
Clantroops scenarios.
The first scenario I plan on playing is called the Viper's...
Photo Update
About eight weeks of work in pictures here, I didn't photograph everything.
A GZG grav tank painted up for my Lochrim army, I have two of this model
Dr. Zooch Shuttle
I had planned on posting along with every step of the directions in this
Dr. Zooch kit. My lack of an established method or habit in blogging
prevented su...
This is why i hide my unpainted minis in a storage box.
ReplyDeleteLately, I went through my big box of fantasy and ancient/medieval miniatures. I couldn't recall buying 1/4th of what was in there.