I've been painting some 15mm fantasy figures. Here are some from Battle Valor Games. I posted on them awhile ago, but these are the first that I've painted up. As I've said before, they are very nicely sculpted.
I guess I'm a sucker for dwarves. I have a huge army of them already, but I ordered a bunch more from Battle Valor. I need to compare them with some of the other makers of dwarves. I think they might be a little larger than the old Ral Partha ones, or the Grenadier (now Mirliton) ones that make up the bulk of my dwarf army.
Dwarf Hero Riding Bear
Usually, I paint bears a little darker using a burnt Sienna, but I wanted a lighter, more yellow brown after looking at a bunch of bear pictures on the internet. I remade the rein that the dwarf was holding out of thin paper. The original looked funny. This is before I flocked the base.
If you place an order of any size, you get a free, special edition figure for that month. I thought I was getting a different wizard, but this is the guy I got. That's fine because I don't have any bad guy magic users except for an orc shaman. Being lazy, when I sprayed my Northern Chalupistan AFVs a khaki camo, I also sprayed the fantasy figures the same color, too. This spray paint works well as a primer. The khaki color seemed to fit well for this guy's tunic. I then painted his weird hoodie-scarf gray.
He had this semi-undead, mummy vibe going on, so I mix a pale caucasian skin tone with a light gray. It worked well. I used one of my wife's metallic nail polish for his sword. I have no clue what is on top of his staff. It sort of reminded me of a misshapen asparagus head, so I painted it green. I did my usual wash using black mixed with clear Future floor finish, but I didn't bother to put any highlights on other than on the face and fingers. I haven't decided what to do about his base yet.
Necromancer vs. Dwarf Hero
'Run The Gauntlet' Play Test Card Deck
The card deck for the 'Run the Gauntlet' scenario has now been worked up in
MS Word and just needs to be cur out to be ready for play testing. The deck...
10 hours ago