Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A Brief Update on Life

I went to China for the last two weeks in July. It was not a trip to remember. Worst part is that I ended up in the emergency room for two days almost as soon as I touched down in Chicago.

A perfect storm of overly oily food, food poisoning, extreme heat and humidity, and having to drink far more alcohol than I wanted or normally do (nothing like endearing macho drinking customs), led to jaundice and a heart arrhythmia due to dehydration. The arrhythmia seems to be under control thanks to IV bags of water + potassium, the liver thing might be a larger problem. They ruled out hepatitis, and the liver enzymes were back to normal by the time I left the hospital, but I go for follow ups with my doctor tomorrow. I'm hoping that it was due to my lack of a gall bladder, but we will see. Frankly, I am a little nervous.

Since I have come back to Tennessee, I have been puttering around the workbench a little, but I've had mostly odd handyman jobs around the house that needed attending. I had a further scare yesterday. I was looking for some tools in my garage and for some reason, I lost my balance and fell. I am still a little achy on the left side today.

I am not a super religious man, but I'd appreciate any thoughts and prayers you can send my way.


  1. Dang dude! take better care of yourself. I hope its all just a case of trying to party like a 21 year old. And nothing else.

  2. Hope you feel better soon Chris!

  3. Sounds awful. Hope things are OK now?

  4. I am doing a little better. I found out that I have fatty liver disease, but not sure it that is the cause of the high enzymes. My doctor was a little blasé about it. I still have the heart arrhythmia and am now on blood thinner.

    The best thing for now is to go on a diet equivalent to someone who is diabetic. That will at least help with the fatty liver disease.
