Monday, April 6, 2020

Post on Cool Chainmail Game

I am writing up another post related to campaign thoughts, but I'm throwing this discovery up on a massive game using the old Chainmail rules. It takes me back when I used them in high school

Chainmail: Battle of Emridy Meadows

Mostly a lot of great pictures with out much commentary. If you are gamer of a certain age, see if you can spot how many classic Ral Partha fantasy and historical 25mm figures are in the game.


  1. Thanks, Chris. Glad you enjoyed the post. Maybe you can join us at Scrum Con 2021 next year...I'm hoping to get the Chainmail GM to run it there for us. Scrum Con is in the DC metro area, so hopefully not too far for you to attend!

  2. Thanks for the invitation. I will definitely consider coming up and attending your convention.
