Miniature wargames have been my hobby since about 1976. My friends and I graduated from mass battles shooting marbles at Airfix and Roco HO scale soldiers and tanks to the various Avalon Hill board games. One day, my father showed me a news article about a shop in Chicago called Sutler's Wagon that specialized in miniature figurines for wargaming. One Saturday, he took a good friend and I to check it out. Since then, I have been hooked!
Why "Just Another Wargames Blog?" I know, it is not very novel or clever. I've been toying with the idea of sharing my wargaming universe for a long time, but like many things, it took me until now to go ahead and do it. It seems like there are zillions of blogs now with this same theme. I had some other names that were more witty, but they seem to been taken. I hope that future postings will be far more interesting than the title of the blog.
Balloon Busting
I'm really busy this weekend but determined to crack on with the balloon
busting, painting the British Caquot balloon and building a Drachen for the
4 hours ago