October is nearly gone. Surprisingly, I've actually done a great deal of work. This includes:
• Constructing another small building 1/300 scale.
• Painting some Northern Chalupistan troops (1/300).
• Painting and mounting more 1/600 aircraft onto their flight stands.
• Working on some 28mm figures. This includes swapping out weapons, and priming a bunch for painting.
• Starting a new project involving 15mm SciFi.
The problem is getting time to photograph things. Over the past two months, I get about 20 minutes to an hour one or two nights a week to work on things, so I'd rather spend that rare time painting or building than photographing....sorry!
Balloon Busting
I'm really busy this weekend but determined to crack on with the balloon
busting, painting the British Caquot balloon and building a Drachen for the
3 hours ago