I thought I had posted the post just before this one. I even made a brief comment on January 23rd concerning it. You probably had no idea what I was referring to. So, I put it up just now, even though it was supposed to be up a month ago. I thought instead of just adding to it, I would make an update. The current polar vortex has reached down to NE TN and SW VA. Schools have been closed for a week including mine. So, I've had some time to work on things.
So, here is the multihex completed:
It is surrounded the smaller forest hexes and each road has a road hex added to its end.
I am not happy with it. It warped, particularly at the side were you can see the dark line where it connects with one of the road hexes. Also, I am having a hard time seeing figures being able to sit in the forest. There is only supposed to be no more than one figure in a hex at a time, but I am not sure they can accommodate even that.
Here are some close ups:
The small grey structure on the left side of the road is supposed to be a roadside shrine.
The verdict is that I won't be making any more of these multihexes unless I can think of some way of avoiding the warping.
Balloon Busting
I'm really busy this weekend but determined to crack on with the balloon
busting, painting the British Caquot balloon and building a Drachen for the
1 hour ago