Every year in April, my college puts on a micro-convention, if you can call it that, called NerdFest. Last year was the first time I went. It was a somewhat disorganized affair, but they did have have a costume contest and ongoing video games. They had room set up for board games, but it was poorly attended. The games consisted of Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit (which I won), Monopoly, and a few other general audience games. I vowed that this year, I will run a table top game. I need to show the younglings (as my department chair calls them) how gaming is done old school.
It needs to be multi-player, so initially I thought of a zombie skirmish game. I dumped that idea as I would have a lot of work to complete my 25/28mm figures (lots of figures in various stages of completion to kill the zombies, but no actual zombies to kill), not to mention building some sort of urban terrain for them. Now, I am leaning toward 15mm fantasy mass battle with me being the ref. That would be far less work for me. I have not committed fully to it as it may conflict my daughter's weekend tennis matches. But if I do, I've got my work cut out for me.
I will probably make up my own rules to make life as simple as possible for the players. They will be a mash up of several rules with the core being something along the lines of Armies of Arcana. Models will not be a problem, but I will need to make up stat cards for the various units.
I have played in but have never ran a convention game, so this should be an interesting experience.
Balloon Busting
I'm really busy this weekend but determined to crack on with the balloon
busting, painting the British Caquot balloon and building a Drachen for the
4 hours ago