I want to apologize to Jim Casey and the other folks who made comments on my blog but never appeared! Your comments are valuable and I always greatly appreciate them!
My blog is set up to send an email saying that you have made a comment. A bunch of them never did get sent to my email. They also didn't seem to initially make it to the "comments awaiting approval: until I clicked on a previous post and then all of a sudden they showed up like gangbusters. I don't understand the selectivity of this.
I'll admit, I don't have a lot of time to get on Blogger and check things beyond just throwing up my post, hence the numerous typos and such. I still can't seem to figure out how to take a MS Word document and paste it into Blogger without all the formatting junk that I have to manually edit out, but that's another story.
I promise that I will diligently check more often to see if this happens again.
Again, I apologize to those who commented but didn't see their comments up on my blog.
Bloody April for Algernon Pulls It Off!
For my next sortie with *Algernon Pulls It Off! *I'm going back to the
first half of 1917, leading up to the period known as 'Bloody April' during
4 hours ago
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