Many, many years ago (late 1980s), I did mini-campaign for my fictional WWII world that pitted the Soviet Union against the UK for a race to take over Iran for its oil resources. It used mainly early war tanks and equipment. I altered the geography such that there was more seaway. That allowed for some naval battles to be fought. I had a map, but its long gone. Also, having read The Great Pacific War by Hector Bywater, my brain got all going to recreate that Iran campaign though set even earlier, and expand it geographically include other foreign nations. I have been slowly building up fleets in 1/6000 scale.
So, I started buying a bunch of 1/600 aircraft for the air combat portion of it. These guys are from Tumbling Dice Miniatures
Hawker Furies |
Polikapov I-15 |
Henschel Hs 123 |
Martin B-10 |
The biplanes were a major pain in the arse to put together. Plus, I only got three fuselages for the Hs 123s. I did get the upper wing and even two sets of landing gear, but not the rest of the fourth plane.
I also got the Martin B-10 bomber. I've always like slightly archaic weapons and the B-10 especially. I need to figure out what rules to use. I might use Wings at War Battle of Britain rules and make up the stats. I might even try Bag the Hun. Jim over at his
Jim's Wargames Workbench has a lot of variants for these rules and I might crib some of his stats for the rules. Unlike my modern air gaming, I am less interested in detailed aircraft stats.