Tuesday, March 18, 2025

It's Already March!

 Its not like I have not been completely inactive in terms of the hobby, I just have not had all that much time to put anything up on the old blog. Most of what I have been doing is painting, as usual, so I didn't feel what I have done warranted posting. Life also seems to get in the way. My 94-year-old mother broke her ankle back in early December. She had surgery on it, but its been a struggle to get her to do physical therapy. At least now she is home, though still in bed. I feel bad for my sister who is in charge of care giving, including dealing with our "wonderful" healthcare system. 

For the past several months, my thoughts have veered back to my modern ImagiNation world, and also naval wargaming. I've always been a fan of naval wargaming. My friends and I back in high school played a lot of naval games using homemade ship models.  In an earlier post, I talked about some possible projects. What has really sparked nautical gaming interests lately is the posts over at Archduke Piccolo's blog and at Bob Cordrey's blog. They have been designing some simple but effective naval rules. I have been looking in to their rules as well as potential rules used in boardgames. 

I have purchased several of the various War at Sea series by Avalanche Press, including this one: 

I have yet to play any of them, but have read over the rules several times. They all have the same core rules with tweaks for different time periods. 

Another, even simpler set of rules is the classic Avalon Hill Midway. I have the original set and recently, purchased on eBay some supplemental ships and rules. 

The number of ships are greatly expanded beyond those in the original. I think with some tweaking of the rules, they can make for a quick and playable set of rules. 

There a a number of other rules to explore including Cordrey's Gridded Naval Wargames and David Manley's various naval rules. 

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